So what I did was Googled Pocket Altars and I got some great ideas. There are some stores that sell them already made or you can make your own. When you are making your own remember that it is the thought that counts. You can use all sorts of small containers from altoid tins to glass cases to plastic, cardboard or wooden boxes. The main point is that they close securely so they don't pop open at the wrong time. Now you can get crafty and decorate them. Scrapbooking items are small and useful and are available at most stores including the dollar stores. Sample items from sewing stores can be useful, it is just a matter of keeping an eye out. Lots of people really enjoy using decoupage. I have tried it and, hey it works.
Next is selecting your items which need to be small. On this point you really, really need to be creative. You are going to have to think outside the box, as the saying goes. Going to a toy store or a craft store that has minitures will help give you some ideas. Thimbles are really nice idea for your chalice or cauldron. Pocket knifes are ideal for an Asthma because they fold up. Sea shells are So here are some ideas for you to start with.
Dancing Goddess Dolls has a lot of nifty traveling altars. Here is one of many different designs. You should check them out.
I found these but the source is flicker so I can't find out what these are. They look like leather pouches that open up. I guess you can use cloth and you can decorate with sewing or acrylic paint. The others you can use wood coins or plastic poker chips that are decoupage. I made salt dough ornaments for my holiday tree. It would be easy to make some dough and use paper towel tube or another small circle to cut out the circles. Paint them up and you have your homemade coins.
Here are some nice ideas to get you started.
Here is an example of a goddess shrine, I like the
idea. I like the fact that they use a matchbox. It shows that you can use just about anything. It is also a nice idea and it will show off
your craftiness.
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