
Saturday, August 31, 2013

September 1 Emma Nutt Day

How may I direct your call?
When phone operators first started they were young men and boys. However, the phone industry decided that they need a change as boys were rude and impatient and they were unaccepted.  So Alexander Graham Bell wanted to hire well-spoken women to become operators.  Emma Nutt was hired on September 1, 1878 to be the first woman operator. Her sister, Stella Nutt was hired several hours later.
Customers were so pleased by the soothing manner and voice of the women that in 1879 Michigan hired more women including Misses Bessie Snow Balance, Emma Landon, Carrie Boldt, and Minnie Schumann. Men were soon replaced by women and phone operators was a female dominate work place until the 1970’s.
Being an operator was not an easy job as you had to wear heavy headsets and coordinate lots of wires. Many switchboards had to handle 200 phone lines. Many of the early switchboards were standing up for several hours at a time. Operators worked under strict rules and the managers were not easy. Like school children, the operators had to ask permission to get water or to use the bathroom. Operators were also punished very harshly for any infractions of the rules, including being one minute late. Many women were punished by being forced to sit in a room by themselves. It was very humiliating for grown women to be treated that way.
Being an operator was not easy but these women were true American pioneers. They helped pave the road for women in the workforce. They proved that they could handle a tough job and do it with grace and confidence.
Phones have come a long way from those early days. In the beginning you had to contact the operator to make any call as phones did not have dialers. Then you had only a certain number of long distance lines so many times you had to call the operator and then the operator would call you back when a line was available.
Craig Eisner, directory of SBC Operator Services for Indiana, Michigan and Ohio, stated “Operators were a critical link in the lines of telephone communications for years and years. They were often the conduit for information, delivering news about everything from newborn babies to significant world happenings, such as wars and election.”
Operators played the key role in our communication conduit and even with the changes through time they still provide the same role today. With new technology we no longer need to have an operator to connect you with every call you make but still  today you can dial “0” for an operator who can assist you in connecting to your party.
Originally operators were called for emergencies and they tried to help you while trying to connect you with emergency services. Today we have separated the phone operator and 911 emergency operators. With today’s technology we have replaced the grace and human touch with a cold computer. While the computer operator helps in directing phone traffic, it lacks the human touch.  Operators and receptionist gave customers someone to talk to and to answer your questions.
In today’s business world we use operators from answering phones to making out bound calls. We have companies that are nothing but call centers. Their only job is to give and receive information from customers. They sit around and have to listen and talk to people all day. Sometimes they need to listen to people vent about their problems. Being an operator is not always an easy job but without operators we would not have anyone help direct us.
Take time to thank all those live human operators that help us every day. Thank you Emma for being one of the pioneers as an operator and as a woman.
Coriander Bats 2011

September Bizarre Holidays

List of holidays from Holiday Insights. It's a great site to go to when you just want to celebrate something. Visit them at
September, 2013 Bizarre and Unique Holidays
  • Classical Music Month
  • Hispanic Heritage Month
  • Fall Hat Month
  • International Square Dancing Month
  • National Blueberry Popsicle Month
  • National Courtesy Month
  • National Piano Month
  • Chicken Month
  • Baby Safety Month
  • Little League Month
  • Honey Month
  • Self Improvement Month
  • Better Breakfast Month
September, 2013 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days:

1 Emma M. Nutt Day, the first woman telephone operator
2 Labor Day First Monday of month
2 National Beheading Day
3 Skyscraper Day
4 Newspaper Carrier Day
5 Be Late for Something Day
5 Cheese Pizza Day
6 Fight Procrastination Day
6 Read a Book Day
7 Neither Rain nor Snow Day
8 Grandparent's Day - first Sunday after Labor Day
8 International Literacy Day
8 National Date Nut Bread Day - or December 22!?
8 Pardon Day
8 National Pet Memorial Day -second Sunday in September
9 Teddy Bear Day
10 Sewing Machine Day
10 Swap Ideas Day
11 911 Remembrance
11 Make Your Bed Day
11 No News is Good News Day
12 Chocolate Milk Shake Day
12 National Video Games Day - also see Video Games Day in July
13 Blame Someone Else Day - first  Friday the 13th of the year.
13 Defy Superstition Day
13 Fortune Cookie Day
13 National Peanut Day
13 Positive Thinking Day
13 Uncle Sam Day - his image was first used in 1813
14 National Cream-Filled Donut Day
15 Make a Hat Day
15 Felt Hat Day - On this day, men traditionally put away their felt hats.
15 National Women's Friendship Day - third Sunday in September
16 Collect Rocks Day
16 Step Family Day
16 Mayflower Day
16 Mexican Independence Day
16 National Play Doh Day
16 Working Parents Day
17 National Apple Dumpling Day
17 Citizenship Day
17 Constitution Day
18 National Cheeseburger Day
19 International Talk Like A Pirate Day
19  National Butterscotch Pudding Day
20 National Punch Day
20 POW/MIA Recognition Day - Third Friday of September
21 International Peace Day
21 International Rabbit Day - Fourth Saturday in September
21 Miniature Golf Day
21 Oktoberfest, begins, date varies
21 World Gratitude Day
22 Business Women's Day
22 Elephant Appreciation Day
23 Checkers Day
23 Dog in Politics Day
24 National Cherries Jubilee Day
25 National Comic Book Day
26 Johnny Appleseed Day
27 Crush a Can Day
27 Native American Day - fourth Friday of the month
28 Ask a Stupid Question Day (one of my favorite days)
28 National Good Neighbor Day - Always September 28, previously the 4th Sunday in month
27 Native American Day - fourth Friday of the month
29 Confucius Day - Try your luck. Get a Fortune Cookie.
30 National Mud Pack Day

September 2012

September is finally here and it is time for so much. School is starting and so is the football and soccer seasons. It is time to start thinking about Christmas and Halloween. September is a good time to get special deals on holiday traveling plans. Labor Day starts off the end of year sales as the summer season ends and the fall season starts. It is also nearing the time to start rolling out new models so all the old models go on sale. September is time for farmer markets and more fairs. Spending time with family over the fall harvest. Time to for canning and freezing the bountiful harvest.

So much to do and so much planning. So many holidays are right around the corner and it is time to start thinking about what kind of parties you want to give. What kind of costume are you planning to wear for Halloween? How many guests are you planning to camp out at your house for Thanksgiving? Christmas is coming and it’s time to make your list and check it twice. When does Hanukah start? What about the Winter Solstice? What decorations or gifts are you planning to make? So many decisions and so much planning to prepare for.

Not only do you have those holidays but September is full of other fun holidays. Labor Day is a day to celebrate all workers and their contributions to our daily lives. Grandparents Day is a day to celebrate and appreciate our Grandparents and everything they do for us. All the love and joy they bring to us along with the escape from mommy and daddy. You have Mabon, which is the second Harvest celebration. It is time to reflect on what the God and Goddess has given to you and thanks them for all that you have. In all sense it is the Witches’ Thanksgiving as we recite what we are thankful for. Mabon is also the Autumn Equinox which is an astrological event. The Autumn Equinox means that the time of day and night is equal and the days will start to get shorter. It also marks the first Day of Fall. You can celebrate the Fall by having a nature walk and explore the changing of the season.

-“Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty as if nature has been saving up all year for the grand finale.”

            --Lauren DeStefano, Wither

Then you have a day in history that will never be forgotten. I remember my mother waking me up on that day in September 2001, and I watched in horror of what was happening. So many lives lost over hate. We should take the time to stop and reflect on how to stop the hate to live on. We have been fighting hate with more hate and we need to change tactics and find out why people hate us so much. We need to sit back and accept that we have different beliefs and that it is ok for us to be different. So on the anniversary of one of my best friend’s death, I take the extra effort to be friends with someone that I am indifferent with. I take the extra effort to see another person’s point of view before mine. I want to teach my granddaughter about another culture so she can see that we are all different but it is ok to be different.

September is a month of changes. The leaves on the tree start to change colors and fruit is ripe for the picking. The weather is once again changing from a hot days to cooler fall winds. It’s time to get your jackets out and prepare for the colder days ahead. The last of the yard sales will be popping up for one last hurrah before it gets too cold. Soon you will be turning off the fans and turning on the heat and the vents need to be cleaned while it is still warm. Storage room needs to be made for all the preparation for the winter months that will be coming up. With all the sales that are going on, it is a good time to stock up. It is time to start making your plans for yard work. With the beauty that comes with Fall, so does the scattered leaves come. In a couple of months you will need to rake up your Fall leaves, but before your rake take in the beauty of September.

September is the time for cable season finales and the start of TV Fall Season. You have waited all summer for all those season cliffhangers. You are have been following all the spoiler reports to find out what is going to happen on your favorite tv shows. Lately we have had a few actors that have died and you wonder how the show is going to be like with the absence of them. There have been some characters that will be leaving the show as they did not renew their contract. It will truly be dramatic this opening season.

So, September is here and we have lots to do, but make sure you enjoy your time and the beauty that is all around you. Take time to have some fun with your kids and grandkids. Enjoy what September fun offers to you.

Coriander Bats 2012