
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Looking forward and looking back

As the new year starts, we look ahead to the endless possibilities that this year can bring to us. Some of us made new year resolutions and things that we want accomplish or things that we want to improve on. It is a time to make your plans for the future. Like the picture keep your eye ahead on the future and you can look back to the past for remembrance and guidance but don't look back to long or you will loose sight of the future.

So let us take time to make our plans and get organized. What ever your goals are you need to make a plan and get started. Now don't fall for the "diet trap." Most people fail at diets because they are to restricting and they make you feel guilty. So take a different approach to your goals by make mini goals. Make little changes at first then after a while make another change and gradually work your self up. Now everyone has good days and bad days and you will find that one day you just fail. Don't let one set back ruin your plans, you just get back up and get back on track. Don't feel guilty if you need some extra time with one of your goals. Guilt only brings you down, so if you are in a spot you may want to adjust your plan. It is ok for you to ask for help. People may say that you are week if you ask for help but on the contrary it is the opposite. It takes a strong person to admit that they need help, so ask. Ask a loved one or talk to a friend. Social media like Facebook can provide some inspiration to our plans and help you through a rough spot.  

Some people say that the baby step program takes longer but it really does not because it also builds your self confidence in other areas. So take the time and do it at a pace that you can do, but remember to challenge your self too. Take out a calendar and make your schedule. Take time everyday to mentally repeat your goals and what your plans are. This will add to your goal as it will strengthen your resolve to succeed in your goals. Remember to stay positive even if you hit a bump. Just like riding a bike, get your self up and get back on and ride like the wind. Good luck.

Happy New Years

I hope everyone had a good New Years. We had fun just staying home and watching movies. Nana got the Forever Knight season 1 and 2 for Yule and Christmas and she has been watching it for the last several days. I decided that I wanted to start my new year on murder and mayhem, so I got on Netflix and watch Charlie Chan movies. They only have a few but they were fun. Then after midnight I started watching Godzilla movies. It is quite funny what kind of different taste we have.

But alas I am rambling a little. So before New Years I posted my highlights of 2013 on Facebook. I have had a full year with the beginning of the birth of my granddaughter Addie. More or less most of my highlights were staged around her. This whole venture to go back to 2013 was a post I saw about the memory jar.

So this picture gave me the inspiration of taking a look back in the year. It would be a fun way to spend some time with the family to share nice memories. This little tip would make a nice stash for reminders that we could store until we are ready. My, myself and I got a camera so I like to take lots and lots of pictures. Just ask my family members and they will tell you I am a pain in the butt on the amount of pictures I take.

So I am suggesting that this might be a good idea to think about. You can just jot down some ideas and put them in the jar and then when you have time later you can come back and do something more. I like to edit my pictures and add the "sparkles." Aubrie really like to scrapbook on paper so I print of the pictures she want and she does her "sparkles." What ever works for anybody. I am also trying to keep up with a blog so who know what is to come. I might make this blog my jar. Who knows?

What ever you decide to do, do it with love and joy in your heart.