
Sunday, October 26, 2014


You can do divination at any time of the year. There are a ton of different types of divination. I have a list but it is long and it is still not be complete. That tells you that you can use many things and there are many ways for divination.

The most popular is the Tarot Cards but there are so many to try. I admit that my skills with the Numerology is not good as I am dyslexic with numbers. I have tried Astrology and it was not my bag of tea. I may try another one when I get more time, there are plenty of them that I can choose from. I hope this will give you some ideas for yourself. Enjoy.

Aeromancy is divination by atmospheric phenomena.

Amniomancy is divination by using the caul.

Anthroposcopy is divination by observing facial features.

Arithmancy is divination by numbers.

Astrology is divination by planets and stars.

Augury is divination from the behaviour of birds.

Austromancy is divination by the winds.

Belomancy is divination by arrows.

Botanomancy is divination by herbs.

Capnomancy is divination by smoke.

Cartomancy is divination by using cards.

Catoptromancy is divination by using a mirror.

Ceromancy is divination by molten wax dropped into water.

Cheiromancy is divination by the hands.

Clairvoyance is divination by "second sight".

Crystallomancy is divination by a crystal.

Dowsing is divination by using a forked stick or wires.

Genethlialogy is divination by the stars placement at one's birth.

Geomancy is divination by examining dots on paper, dirt particles or marks on the earth.

Halomancy is divination by salt.

Horoscopy is divination by means of a horoscope.

Hydromancy is divination by water.

Ichthyomancy is divination by fish.

Lampadomancy is divination by observing the flame of a candle.

Leconomancy is divination by observing the shape that oil poured on water makes.

Lithomancy is divination by stones.

Numerology is divination by numbers and names.

Oenomancy is divination by the appearance of wine poured in libation.

Oneiromancy is divination by dreams.

Onomancy is divination by the letters of a name.

Onychomancy is divination by the fingernails.

Ophiomancy is divination by observing the behaviour of snakes.

Ornithomancy is divination by the flight of birds.

Palmistry is divination by reading the lines and aspects of the hand.

Pegomancy is divination by fountains.

Pessomancy is divination by pebbles.

Phrenology is divination by the bumps on the head.

Physiognomy is divination by the face.

Pyromancy is divination by looking into a fire.

Rhabdomancy is divination by a wand or divining rod.

Scrying is divination by looking into a crystal ball.

Sideromancy is divination by observing the movement of straws placed on a red hot iron.

Sortilege is divination by drawing lots.

Spodomancy is divination by looking at ashes.

Theomancy is divination by oracles.

Xylomancy is divination by dry sticks.

Zoomancy is divination by observing the behaviour of animals.

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