I just got done with
watching Charmed from start to finished. It was a good series about witches. It
starts out with 3 sisters finding out they are witches. They are not just
witches but the Charmed Ones, the most powerful witches. Working together they are
the Power of 3 and they fight demons and vanquish them all for the greater
good. After the 3rd season one of the sisters die and breaks the Power of 3.
They find out that they have another sister that they did not know about and
she comes into her powers and the Power of 3 is reunited. Being the Charmed
Ones is not an easy job as they try to have a normal life and relations while
kicking demon butt.
The series started
off with a Wiccan touch but kind of lost it after a while. In the middle of the
series they added Magic School, which let's face it was a rip off of Harry
Potter. Needless to say the also added lots of members of the magic community
with fairies, leprechauns and even a unicorn.
I really like some humor in my dramas, it makes them enjoyable. The girls were always getting into trouble and some of the costumes were hilarious. The girls were once turned into comic book heroes in full costume. They became Valkeries and even Goddess and each girl has had their own transformations. One of the have been turned into a mermaid, a genie, a vampire, a windego, a mummy, and many more. They have traveled through time several time. Now like many shows it has its ups and downs and after a while it starts to get dark. The later seasons were darker then it started out but it did finish the series on a good note. Some series ruin the endings but I must say that they really did a good job. In all it was a good series to watch and I enjoyed it. The girls tried to find love that would last and they had loss but in the end they all found the man of their dreams and got the children they wanted.

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