Welcome to all and a blessed Mabon. Last year I posted lots of food and craft ideas. I also posted several poems. This year has been a rough year and I have been busy but as Mabon is approaching I need to take a time out. Mabon is the time to look at our blessings and be thankful for what we have. My family is growing again. Aubrie is pregnant again and I will be expecting my 2nd grandchild. I wont know what it is for couple more weeks but it wont matter as it will still be my little one. It will be hard financial but I know we will work it out. We may be behind on all of the bills but we still have a roof over our head and food on the table. Our pantry is thinned but it is not bare. We are all have our own health problems but we are still in good health.

Aubrie and the baby are doing good. Kody got a promotion at work and is doing good. Mom still hurts but is still moving along. Destry and Moo are still as spoiled as ever.
I am hanging in there. It is hard sometimes as I am now the responsible one that has to worry about the bills getting paid and making sure everyone is taken care of. It is not easy as I have to take care Aubrie and Kody's bi-polar problems. It also does not help that I also am bi-polar. We really are a house full of nuts.
Even with being one day ahead of bill collectors I still keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. We may be struggling but we are surviving. I am thankful for the fact that we may be treading water but we are still afloat. It thank the God and Goddess for giving us the life preserver to help us keep going. I have a beautiful family and some outstanding friends and that I am thankful for. I have been truly blessed.
So take the time and think of your blessings. Things may be dark but there is a light of hope is still burning for us all. The God and Goddess is all round us and we only need to open our hearts to see the blessings. The fruit of the God and Goddess are ready to be harvested as Winter will soon be here. Take the time to stop and enjoy the what the world has to offer. Change is in the air and I am going to embrace change. I will admit that I don't like change but change part of the cycle of life. So I am going to light a candle and accept the changes that are coming. I know that the God and Goddess will give us the strength to endure. So accept your blessings and be happy. I hope you all have a great Mabon this year.
Coriander Bats 2014
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