
Thursday, March 13, 2014


 Winter is finally coming to an end and Spring is creeping around the corner. I just got done with Mardi Gras and packing everything away. St Patrick's Day is celebrated for just a day in our house but Osatra we like to celebrate and decorate a little longer.

Several years ago my nephew, Kody, gave me a purple tree for Yule. Purple is my favorite color and I wanted a Holiday Tree. It was a great gift and I use it all year round. The tree is 3 or 4 feet tall and it sets on a pedestal nest to my Altar.  So like I said it is time to take down the Mardi Gras beads and decorations so I can put on the Ostara and Spring decorations.  So lets get crafty. Over the years I have collected a large collection of crafts and pictures. Many of the were given to me and one time at a yard sale, I bought a bunch of cd's full of holiday fun. Most of it I do not know where it came from but I do want to share and give some ideas for everyone to enjoy.

 Here are our family Ostara and Easter from last year.
Addie was born on March 8th and she slept though Ostara and Easter. Aubrie said that Addie can spend the Pagan Holidays. She will be very spoiled for being able to celebrate both holidays. Right now Addie is in a throwing stage so I will not be hiding real eggs for her. I am planning to get her snacks and put them in plastic eggs.  They come in different sizes so I could small toys or some more hair clips. Addie has her Uncle Jeffie's hair, which looks like a mad scientist. hopefully she will get her mommy's hair.
As for the stringed eggs project, it was not as easy as it seems. I blew up the balloons and mixed school glue with water. I cut the yarn and dipped in the glue mix and wrapped it around the balloon. You need not use lots of sting or yarn to make the eggs sturdy. When you think you are done, you are wrong, you are only half way there. You keep adding and adding more. Now depending on your skill will determine if you can make a design or not. The one thing you need to know is that it is very, very, very messy. You are also going to need to figure out how to hang them as you decorate them as they are very messy. Make sure that you have lots of paper around you craft area. You will also need a area for them to dry. After they are dry you pop the balloon and remove it. The glue will also leave some pieces that you will need to break or cut off. In the end it was a good project but hopefully I won't need to do it again. You have to be careful when packing them that they don't get squished. They are stiff but they will still break easily.

If you decide to make the sting eggs, I hope you have fun. Enjoy and have a Blessed Ostara.

Coriander Bats

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