Today we are going to show some tips for the desk area.
Do you have a napkin holder? Have you ever used a napkin holder? Well here is a nice way to use it. at work I have my desk pushed against the wall and I have pushed things to far back and they have fallen down. Now I am old and I am on the chunky side so it is hard for me to crawl under my desk any more. Nobody at work wanted those metal file slots so I took them and put them on their side and pushed them to the back. I can also use the slots for blank paper and other paper work. Using he same technique you can take a bunch of these and line them across the back of your desk so things won't fall through the back crack. This also gives you some extra place to store things like address books or calendars or stuff that you need to work on. You also have a spot for you to put reminder notes on. If your desk is full of cords then you can use it to organize the cords.
This is nice for a cheep desk rise. This is not for me but others might like it.
There are so much that you can use PVC pipes. They can be cheaper than a rise from the store. Also you can decorate this to you own needs and likes.
Me and my mother fight for the TV and computer all the time. I put the main computer so you can watch TV and work at the same time. Now there are times that I don't want to watch what she is watching and we don't have another TV that has cable or internet. At these times I get my laptop and put it in front of the computer. I can get Netflix on the computer and watch it while I work on my laptop. When I do this I have to use my headphones and this is a nifty way to store them when I am not using them. They will also be out of the way and not get damaged when someone starts moving things around. Those little hooks are useful. You can also use those hooks around the edge of desk and table to hide cords from little kids that like cords.

Like I said before, I like to recycle and I admit that I am frugal so l like this idea. It is another way to keep your desk drawer organized. Some of those little boxes are strong. You can take kitchen liner paper and cover them or use other paper to decorate them and make them a little stronger. Little bowls and other containers can be used. At work I have little bowls in my desk separating my paper clips and binder clips. I am a file clerk and need to be portable for whatever I am doing.
I hope this gives you some ideas and will help you out. Enjoy.
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