
Friday, April 4, 2014

To Machine or not to Machine

There is a war raging between cyber space and real life. We have allowed ourselves to be so enthralled in the electronic world around us that we are slowly forgetting how to live in real life. Once having a cell phone or computer was a luxury and now it is slowly becoming a necessity. Everything you need is online now days. We send texts and emails back and forth to our friends and family. We can now talk to people not only across our nation but around the world. You can get information from the internet instead of going to the library. We have sites that you can post pictures and videos. We have webcams and can see each other in our own homes.

Progress in technology is good, but at what cost. We are slowly loosing how to do things manually. Writing a simple letters is slowly becoming extinct. We are so infatuated with what we can do with technology that we forget the basics. Teachers are seeing a big difference not only in penmanship but with grammar itself. Kids use the computer so much for school that they no longer have to write things out long hand and without practice, your penmanship diminishes. Kids are texting so much that they have created their own shorthand to talk. OMG are we really doing this? Yes we are and more and more teachers are noticing that their students are having more difficult time in communicating with people in real life. I myself have seen kids’ text the person in the front seat of a car instead of just talking to them. As they are sitting at the same table at lunch, they will text each other. Kids are being to text more than they talk to people that are sitting next to them. Something happens and they are texting everyone about what happened. It is bizarre that kids communicate more with the cell phones and computers than in real life.

Is this really what we want to do with our children’s future? It is becoming that we will soon be able to plug ourselves into the computer and exist in cyber space instead of real life. Our children are online playing games instead of going outside and playing. We are becoming obese due to our lack of exercise. I have personally witnessed people getting in the car and driving 2 to 3 houses down to drop off kids. People park illegally so they don’t have to walk a long distance in the store parking lot. People drive and talk on their cell phones or text while they are trying to steer and keep their eyes on the road. It only takes a second to get in an accident and weather you are talking or texting, your mind is not on the traffic ahead or behind you. There are too many drivers out on the road to be distracted in that manner.

At one time you got a birthday or Christmas card from everyone, now you only get are the ones from business. Family and friends send you e-cards and texts. Where is the personal touch? I send out e-cards but I make them myself. I take the time to put the personal touch. A store bought cards are fine but what about writing a hand written note inside. My nephew used to takes us out to dinner for our birthdays, and it was something I look forward to do every year. When everyone moves out of the house it is nice to have family gatherings. So many times that people get so busy that they feel that getting together once a week or even once a month is too much of an obligation and not a festive time. Many people tend to feel that visiting with family is more like going to a business meeting that you don’t want to go to. I come from a dysfunctional family and there are lots of times that at family gatherings we fight and yell at each other, but it is nice to get together. The good moments outweigh the loud moments and I still say that family gatherings are priceless.

On the radio, they had a question about thank you notes on whether or not you could email one. There was a poll and the majority agreed with Emily Post that you hand write a thank you note. Etiquette and manners are slowly becoming extinct in today’s electronic world. We are so consumed with revolution of being ourselves that we have forgotten about etiquette and manners. We need to stop and realize that we don’t just live in this world alone, we must share the world with everyone and we need to realize there is a time and place for everything. We need to realize that a is not that difficult to say please and thank you.

We need to stop and think about what sacrifices we have made for our convenient life. The apocalypse is coming as we are slowing becoming detached being human. We are slowly forgetting about the real part of life, each other. Keeping in contact with each other is nice but what about seeing and doing something together? Cyber-sex is nice but what about the real thing? Talking to people around the world is great but what about talking to our neighbors? We are forgetting what civility is really about. Technology is a tool not a way of life. We need to look up from the screen and look at the world around us. The Human race can survive if we fight for it. We need to remember and teach others about civility, good manners, honor, kindness, compassion, respect and tolerance before they become extinct. We need to remember that nothing can replace the gentle touch of another human being. A simple smile can be the most beautiful thing in the world. Technology is a great tool but it is cold and cannot replace the warmth of a hug from a child.

CB Bats 2011

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