
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Indoor games for a rainy day

Autumn is here and the weather is changing. Today I'm inside waiting for the rain to stop. I haven't taken my walk today because it has been raining, raining and raining. It starts to lightens up like it is going to stop, and then it starts up again. The good thing is I don't need to water my lawn today but I still would like to stop for a while so I can go for a walk. The good thing, we finally turned off our loud air-conditioner. It is cool enough with the rain to leave the doors open and the cross breeze cools off the house.

So, what to do with the kids? Addie is only 1 1/2 but she is being a little terror right now. I have gotten her addicted to nature so she wants her weekend walk now. Last Winter she did not care that there was a snow storm outside, she wanted her walk. Same thing today, it is Saturday and she wants her Saturday morning walk. Now it is almost evening and it is to late and she is grumpy. She is very spoiled child,  as spoiled as my puppies. Destry and Moo are my children of the corn, 2 pit bulls that are stuck inside too. They want to go out to sunbath and run around but it's too wet. They keep roaming the house and checking to see if the rain has stopped. They just don't want to settle down.

So what to do with the bunch. Well, there is not much I can do for the children of the corn, they are pretty much on their own. As for Addie, her mom has finally got her to sit down and color. I have listed a couple of fun games to try. Addie is still a little young to do these but just give her some more time. You may be able to find them helpful when you and your kids are stuck inside. They are all indoor fun that can last for an hour or longer. They require physical activity that all kids need. It also helps in their development of coordination. Addie is smart but she is still having problems with her hand and eye coordination and games are the great way to help kids with that. So her are a few indoor games for your to think about.

Laser Maze

This game will try to keep the kids occupied and teach them to learn to keep their balance and dexterity. You take colored string, yarn or creep paper and make a laser maze in the hallway. This will help kids if they have dexterity and balance problems. They will need to learn to crawl under the string. Learning to go over the string slowly. It can be funny watching kids trying to go over a sting and losing their balance and falling. Addie is only 1 1/2 and she is still tripping all over the place. She is also starting to climb everywhere and has already got stuck. She is going to be a handful but this game might be fun next year for her.
Spider Ball

Now this balloon game can be fun. It also is great exercise and helps keep the kids limber. Now I will tell you that this game has its risk. I remember hurting my wrist playing this game as a child so be careful as the game can be a little rough. The game is lots of fun and it burns off lots of energy for the kids. Note, make sure you move all your furniture back and they have enough room to play. Some places will not be able to play it because of the space it takes up.
One foot in front of the other

This is another coordination game that is lots of fun. You can use creep paper and make different kinds of lines. You can used different colors and make it a great game. You can make your own dice or make a list 1-6 and roll the dice. 1 is blue, 2 is red , 3 is green, 4 is curvy, 5, is straight and 6 is jagged. You can make them into shapes and have the kids follow the lines. You can time them too and see who can do it faster.

Another idea is changing the way they go down the line. You may skip, hop or jump down the line. It may be funnier if you did it to music. This game would be so great if you had the music from Santa Clause is coming to town.
I hope this gives you some good ideas on some game for the kids to play inside. I hope you all have fun time trying them out. Turn up the music and it may last longer and afterwards they might just be too tired to get in trouble. Enjoy.
Coriander Bats

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