
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Gma Pruitt's perspective on Halloween

   I am here to talk to you about Halloween, I don’t mean what some nutter is saying about it or some wannabe god is saying about it, I am here talking as a mother and a grandmother and a great grandmother, and I say parents stop ruining everything for kids.  I don’t know why most adults are anti kid but they are, I have seen parents dressing their little girls up like the happy hooker, and little boys like little thugs, I’ve seen teenagers in clothes that used to be banned outside of their bedrooms, so why is it that now there is a movement to destroy Halloween.

    It used to be a time of hearing spooky stories and seeing scary movies and it was fun to be scared, because parents took the time to show and tell their kids that it was all fantasy, and fantasy wasn’t real.  And then they new wave took over, parents are too busy to tell kids what is real and what is fantasy but they will park them in front of a TV to see a show that no one should see that doesn’t know the difference and they  should be over 18 too. And then there is the cell phones, heavens forbid that parents explain what is right and what is bad to do with cell phones, after all, if they don’t tell them and pretend that their kids wouldn’t do anything like that, then they can still look themselves in the face in the mirror.

      And now it comes to Halloween, churches were becoming rather unpopular, the gospel spewers decided to declare that Halloween was evil, and if kids were enjoying themselves that they were worshiping the devil. Then they told the parents that GOD had told them to tell parents to protect their kids by denying them the fun of trick or treating and dressing up in goofy costumes or ones favorite super hero. After all they might find out that there was nothing wrong with the holiday even though there were bad people out there that did bad things.  But then parents would have to stop being their kid’s best friend and act like parents so of course that was out.

       So the age of killing fun began, and what easier beginning than Halloween, just because it would entail telling a few hundred lies. I mean let the wannabe gods spew the Halloween hate, then parents could still play at being their kids best friend and just blindly follow whatever the leader of their church said.  Just because they knew it was all a lie, didn’t mean that they couldn’t pretend it was the truth and then they could push the kids back to going to church so the ghosts and goblins and flying witches couldn’t get at them.

       So what’s next, telling kids that Santa Claus is hiding horns underneath his cap, and that there is no such thing as a flying reindeer?  The Easter Bunny can have horns disguised as bunny ears and colored eggs are the devil’s work, and let’s not forget Thanksgiving, most people have already convinced the kids that the Native Americans are all in the imagination and that they don’t really exist, so the truth is that only the pilgrims were there to celebrate the first Thanksgiving, or they can always make the Native Americans demons and tell their kids that why the white people had to try to commit genocide on them.  They can use the same trick with Slavery and become naysayers, and tell their kids that slavery didn’t really happen. That the plantation owners actually paid them for the work and the Civil War didn’t really happen.

       Yes, we have come a long way, so let’s just deprive kids of childhood and then people could keep a clean conscience and be able to stand up and yell to the world what good parents and good Christians they are. The only losers are the children, but what the heck, it’s not like they are important or anything like that now are they…………

Gma Pruitt

Halloween Carols

The First Halloween

The First Halloween
The parents did scream
At the children in costumes
Who stole all the treats.

"Go away, go away!"
The spirits did say.
"You're taking our business,
So come back in May!"


It’s Halloween
It's Halloween The lamp is lit
around the fire we children sit
telling ghost stories bit by bit
Till sister Jane says SHHHHH.
What's that creeping round the kitchen door,
What's that creeping round the kitchen floor
What's that screaming to the break of day......
(Pause then) IT'S A GOBLIN!

 Halloween is Coming

Halloween is coming,
Halloween is coming
Skeletons will be watching you
Big black bats and witches hats OOOOOOO,
Halloween is coming Halloween is coming
Skeletons will be watching you

Halloween, Halloween

Halloween, Halloween, Big black cats.
Halloween, Halloween, Big black cats.
Witches fly on broom sticks,
Wearing pointed hats.
Halloween, Halloween, Big black cats.
Black Cat

Black cat, Black cat
Looking for a witch,
Out in the night as dark as pitch
You can't see me cause my eyes are green
Black cat Black cat soon it's Halloween!!

Who's Afraid of Halloween?
Whoo, Whoo, Whoo said the owl
Who's afraid of Halloween?
Whoo, Whoo, Whoo said the owl
Who's afraid of Halloween
Black cats here, black cats there
Funny little faces every where
Haa, Haa Haa, Hee, Hee Hee
Who's afraid of Hallowe'en Not me!

The ghost goes BOO
The ghost goes BOO
Heigh Ho it's Halloween
The ghost goes BOO
The witch goes HE HE
The witch goes HE HE
Heigh Ho it's Halloween
The witch goes HE HE
The cat goes MEOW
The cat goes MEOW
Heigh ho it's Halloween
The cat goes MEOW
The owl goes WHOO
The owl goes WHOO
Heigh Ho it's Halloween
The owl goes WHOO

I Said My Pajamas

I said my pajamas
I slipped on my prayers
I went up my slippers
I took off my stairs
I turned off the bed
I jumped in the light
The reason for this is
You gave me a fright!

Have You Seen.....?
(sung to "The Muffin Man")
Have you seen the pumpkin man,
The pumpkin man, the pumkin man
Have you seen the pumpkin man,
Who lives in the pumpkin patch?
Have you seen the old black witch,
The old black witch, the old black witch,
Have you seen the old black witch,
Who lives in the haunted house?
Have you seen the scary ghost,
The scary ghost, the scary ghost,
Have you seen the scary ghost,
Who lives in the old ghost town?
Have you seen the big black bat,
The big black bat, the big black bat,
Have you seen the big black bat,
Who lives in the cold dark cave?
Yes, we have. We've seen these things,
Seen these things, seen these things,
Yes, we have, we've seen these things,
We saw them on Halloween!
The Haunted House"
(Tune of "Wheels on the Bus")
The ghost in the house goes
"Boo! Boo! Boo!"
"Boo! Boo! Boo! "
"Boo! Boo! Boo!"
The ghost in the house goes
"Boo! Boo! Boo!"
On Halloween.
The steps in the house goes
"Creek, creek, creek."
"Creek, creek, creek."
"Creek, creek, creek."
The steps in the house goes
"Creek, creek, creek."
On Halloween.
The cats in the house go
"Meow meow, meow."
"Meow, meow, meow."
"Meow, meow, meow."
The cats in the house goes
"Meow, meow, meow..."
On Halloween,
The mice in the house go
"Squeak, squeak, squeak."
"Squeak, squeak, squeak."
"Squeak, squeak, squeak."
The mice in the house goes
"Squeak, squeak, squeak."
On Halloween.
The people in the house go
"Eek, eek, eek..."
"Eek, eek, eek..."
"Eek, eek, eek..."
The people in the house goes
"Eek, eek, eek..."
On Halloween.

Halloween is coming

Halloween is coming and I am getting excited. Halloween is my favorite holiday and it is full of wonder beyond wonder. The leaves are changing color and magic is at foot. The breeze in the air is getting chillier in the anticipation of winter. It is time to let your hair down and have some fun and enjoy.

Now I know that some people have sticks up there buts and say that Halloween should be banned but I am not going to let them ruin my holiday. It is a time for fun and creativity. So I am going to post a lot of stuff for Halloween and Samhain. Now for you newbies out there, there is a difference in Halloween and Samhain. Halloween has been altered to be a more cultural holiday where Samhain is a religious holiday for us Pagans. Now some decorations and crafts will fall in both categories so you may want to look at both of them. Don't forget that Halloween and Samhain are also a harvest holidays so you will be able to get some ideas there too. So lets get  ready by starting with some tips to have a Happy Halloween this year. These pictures have been given to me over the years or I have picked them up from various sites. I am not sure of where I got them but they all are kind of cute and I would like to share them with you. So enjoy and be safe.

October Bizarre and Unique Holidays

List of holidays from Holiday Insights. It's a great site to go to when you just want to celebrate something. Visit them at

October, 2013 Bizarre and Unique Holidays
  • Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
  • American Pharmacist Month
  • Apple Jack Month
  • Awareness Month
  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  • Clergy Appreciation Month
  • Computer Learning Month
  • Cookie Month
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Month
  • Eat Country Ham Month
  • International Drum Month
  • Lupus Awareness Month
  • National Diabetes Month
  • National Pizza Month
  • National Vegetarian Month
  • National Popcorn Popping Month
  • Sarcastic Month
  • Seafood Month
Weekly Celebrations:
  • Week 1 Get Organized Week
  • Week 1 Customer Service Week
  • Week 2 Fire Prevention Week
  • Week 2 Pet Peeve Week
  • Week 3 Pastoral Care Week
October, 2013 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days:
1 World Vegetarian Day
2 National Custodial Worker Day
2 Name Your Car Day
3 Techies Day
3 Virus Appreciation Day
4 National Golf Day
4 National Frappe Day
5 Do Something Nice Day
5 International Frugal Fun Day - first Saturday of the month
5 World Teacher's Day
6 Come and Take it Day
6 Mad Hatter Day
6 Oktoberfest in Germany ends, date varies
6 Physician Assistant Day
7 Bald and Free Day
7 World Smile Day
8 American Touch Tag Day
9 Curious Events Day
9 Emergency Nurses Day- date varies
9 Fire Prevention Day
Leif Erikson Day
9 Moldy Cheese Day
10 National Angel Food Cake Day
11 It's My Party Day
11 Take Your Teddy Bear to Work Day
11 World Egg Day  - second Friday of month
12 Cookbook Launch Day
12 Old Farmer's Day
12 Moment of Frustration Day
14 Columbus Day - second Monday of month
13 International Skeptics Day
14 Be Bald and Free Day
14 National Dessert Day - take an extra helping, or two
15 White Cane Safety Day
16 Bosses Day
16 Dictionary Day
17 Wear Something Gaudy Day
18 No Beard Day  
19 Evaluate Your Life Day
19 International Newspaper Carrier Day -date varies each year
19 Sweetest Day Third Saturday of month
20 Brandied Fruit Day    
21 Babbling Day
21 Count Your Buttons Day
21 National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day find a recipe, too.
22 National Nut Day
23 National Mole Day
23 Tv Talk Show Host Day
24 National Bologna Day
24 United Nations Day  
19 Sweetest Day Third Saturday of month  
25 Punk for a Day Day
25 World Pasta Day
25 Frankenstein Friday - last Friday in October
26 Make a Difference Day-  fourth Saturday of the month, neighbors helping neighbors.
26 National Mincemeat Day
27 National Tell a Story Day - in Scotland and the U.K.
27  Mother-In-Law Day - fourth Sunday in October
27 Navy Day
28 Plush Animal Lover's Day    
29 Hermit Day
29 National Frankenstein Day
30 National Candy Corn Day
30 Mischief Night
31 Carve a Pumpkin Day - no surprise here
31 Halloween
31 Increase Your Psychic Powers Day

Friday, September 20, 2013

Mabon Poems

Autumnal Equinox
by Rhiannon Cotter

The Autumnal Equinox represents a turning point from Summer to Fall during which the themes of balance and equality are once again evident. The crops that have been ripening during the Summer now come to fruition. The Goddess as Mother generously offers us the fruits whose harvest She has overseen. Our energy is now directed inside so that we can reflect upon the harvest and integrate its components into our lives and personalities.

Lady Autumn
by Deirdre Akins

Lady Autumn, Queen of the Harvest,
I have seen You in the setting Sun
with Your long auburn tresses
blowing in the cool air that surrounds You.
Your crown of golden leaves is jeweled
with amber, amethyst, and rubies.
Your long, flowing purple robe stretches across the horizon.
In Your hands You hold the ripened fruits.
At Your feet the squirrels gather acorns.
Black crows perch on Your outstretched arms.
All around You the leaves are falling.
You sit upon Your throne and watch
the dying fires of the setting Sun
shine forth its final colors in the sky.
The purple and orange lingers
and glows like burning embers.
Then all colors fade into the twilight.
Lady Autumn, You are here at last.
We thank You for Your rewards.
We have worked hard for these gifts.
Lady Autumn, now grant us peace and rest.


by Ezzy Violet

The Time of Change is upon us again -
the Equinox comes, the Wheel turns...

The Goddess and the God prepare for
Their journey to the Otherworld,
as the Earth and all of Her children
prepare for the Time of Quiet and
Reflection that lies ahead...

May we use this Autumnal period to seek for the strength and power within
to assist us on our own quests for
vision, feeling, and peace...

May we see and feel the presence of

the Goddess and the God within, though
without, the Earth begins Her slumber...

Keep us in Your light...
Invocation of Blue Corn Girl for Autumn Equinox
by Noel-Anne Brennan

(If there is more than one person present for this invocation, others can whisper "listen, she is coming" or "Blue Corn Girl is coming" at various points in the chant, as indicated by parentheses.)

She is coming,
Blue Corn Girl is coming,
She is coming in the winds,
(Listen, she is coming)
She is coming in the sunlight,
(Blue Corn Girl is coming)
She is coming in the fallen leaves,
She is coming in the dying meadows.
She is coming,
Blue Corn Girl is coming,
(Blue Corn Girl is coming)
She is coming
To see the harvest
(Listen, she is coming)
Of the fruits of the soil
And the fruits of the soul
She is coming,
Blue Corn Girl is coming,
She is coming.
Blue Corn Girl is here.

The night has a thousand eyes,
And the day but one;
Yet the light of the bright world dies
With the dying sun.

William Bourdillon

Pocket Altars

As I was on Facebook, I saw a pocket altar and thought I would like to share the idea with you. For some people they like to have a mini altar on the go. It comes in handy if you are having a bad day and need to stop and reflect. I know some people make mini altar and put on their desk at work. Some are out for others to look at and some are hidden. I guess it depends on your work environment. These mini altars come in handy for people on the go. My brother and sister are truck drivers and anyone who knows a trucker knows how little room they have. Same goes if you travel a lot and don't want to pay extra for more baggage. Long road trips are nice but cramped so it is nice to have something small but still has a large effect on you. They are not only good as mini altars but also you can make mini shrines that you can take anywhere.

So what I did was Googled Pocket Altars and I got some great ideas. There are some stores that sell them already made or you can make your own. When you are making your own remember that it is the thought that counts. You can use all sorts of small containers from altoid tins to glass cases to plastic, cardboard or wooden boxes. The main point is that they close securely so they don't pop open at the wrong time. Now you can get crafty and decorate them. Scrapbooking items are small and useful and are available at most stores including the dollar stores. Sample items from sewing stores can be useful, it is just a matter of keeping an eye out. Lots of people really enjoy using decoupage. I have tried it and, hey it works.

Next is selecting your items which need to be small. On this point you really, really need to be creative. You are going to have to think outside the box, as the saying goes. Going to a toy store or a craft store that has minitures will help give you some ideas. Thimbles are really nice idea for your chalice or cauldron. Pocket knifes are ideal for an Asthma because they fold up. Sea shells are So here are some ideas for you to start with.
Dancing Goddess Dolls has a lot of nifty traveling altars. Here is one of many different designs. You should check them out.
I found these but the source is flicker so I can't find out what these are. They look like leather pouches that open up. I guess you can use cloth and you can decorate with sewing or acrylic paint. The others you can use wood coins or plastic poker chips that are decoupage. I made salt dough ornaments for my holiday tree. It would be easy to make some dough and use paper towel tube or another small circle to cut out the circles. Paint them up and you have your homemade coins.

Here are some nice ideas to get you started.

Here is an example of a goddess shrine, I like the idea. I like the fact that they use a matchbox. It shows that you can use just about anything. It is also a nice idea and it will show off your craftiness.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Mabon Receipes

This set is from Amethyst's Wicca -- but the web site is no longer active.

Stuffed Acorn Squash
2 acorn squash, washed and cut in halves
1/2 stick of butter
1/2 cup of crushed Ritz crackers
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
1/4 cup brown sugar
Wash and cut acorn squash in half from stem to bottom
Scoop out the seeds and rub the inside and cut parts with butter
Put the acorn squash on a cookie sheet
Melt the butter, and mix in the walnuts, brown sugar, and crackers
Place in the holes of the squash and bake at 350 degrees for 30 - 40 minutes or until done.

 Fresh Apple Pound Cake

2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups vegetable oil
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3 large eggs
3 cups firm apples, diced
3 cups plain flour
1 cup pecans or walnuts, chopped
1 teaspoon baking soda
Mix together sugar and oil.
Add eggs and beat well.
Combine flour, baking soda, and salt.
Add to oil mixture.
Stir in vanilla, apples, nuts, and mix well.
Pour batter into a greased 9 inch tube pan
Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour and 20 minutes or until cake is done.
1 stick margarine
1/4 cup evaporated milk
1 cup light brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
Heat margarine and sugar together over low heat. Add milk and let come to a full boil. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Drizzle over the cake.

Wild Rice with Apples and Walnuts

1 cup wild rice
2 cups water
1 Tablespoon vegetable oil
Cook rice and oil in water for 50 minutes.
1 cup walnuts
1 rib of celery, chopped
4 chopped scallions
1 cup raisins
1 red apple, peeled and chopped, set aside in lemon water
2 teaspoons grated lemon rind
Combine nuts, celery, onions, raisins, drained apple and lemon rind and set aside.
3 T. lemon juice
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 t. salt
1/3 cup olive oil
pepper, to taste
Whisk together juice, salt and pepper, garlic and oil and add to cooked rice.
Add fruit mixture to the rice (to which has been added oil, spices and juice) and mix well. May be served cold or heated.
Sweet Potato Casserole

3 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled and steamed until completely soft
3/4 cup orange juice
2 eggs, beaten
2 Tablespoons melted butter
2 T. sugar
1 1/2 Teaspoons cinnamon
1/2 t. nutmeg
Mix juice, eggs, sugar and spices and blend thoroughly with potatoes using an electric mixer. Spread into a greased 9"x13" pan.
1/2 cup flour
1/4 c plus 2 T. brown sugar
1/2 t. cinnamon
1/4 c. chopped butter
1/2 c. chopped pecans
Mix together flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, butter and nuts until crumbly, spread on top of sweet potatoes and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Here are some more

Mabon Craft ideas

Mabon is coming and it is time to get out the glue gun and markers and get crafty. Remember that Mabon is our Thanksgiving  so many Thanksgiving and Harvest crafts and decorations will work. So lets see what ideas I have found.

Several years ago at a yard sale I bought some cd, I thought they were blank but I got lots of craft ideas and pics. I do not know the original sources. I hope you enjoy them and get inspired.

Hanging Pumpkin Ornament Leaves
Hanging Pumpkin Ornament Leaves

Hanging Pumpkin Ornament Leaves