
Friday, May 2, 2014

The Goddess Names and Correspondences

I found this website the Goddess Gift and it dedicated to the Goddess. It has lots of information and I want to share some of the Goddess and correspondences with you. The list was compiled by A.C. Smythe, so here are the Goddesses by categories. This is part 1 of 2.


Anat (hunting; Canaanite)
Arachne (spiders; Greek)
Arduinna (hunting; Romano-Celtic)
Artemis (hunting; Greek)
Aspalis (hunting; Western Semitic)
Atalanta (hunting; Greek)
Diana (hunting; Roman)
Epona (horses; Celtic)***
Hastseoltoi (hunting; Navajo)
Janguli (snakes; Buddhist)
Kebechet (snakes; Egyptian)
Neith (hunting; Egyptian)
Pakhet (hunting; Egyptian)
Rhiannon (horses; Celtic)


Ame-No-Uzume (dancing; Shinto-Japanese)
Athena (inspiration; Greek)
Brigid (poetry; Celtic)
Ceridwen (inspiration; Celtic)
Harmonia (music; Greco-Roman)
Hi'aika (dancing; Hawaiian)***
Iambe (poetry; Greek)
Laka (dancing; Polynesian)
Minerva (arts and crafts; Roman)
Mnemosyne (mother of Muses; Greek)
Muraja (music; Buddhist)
Muses (inspiration; Greek)
Rhiannon (inspiration; Celtic)
Sarasvati (the arts; Hindu)


Anukis (Egyptian)
Artemis (Greek)
Aveta (Romano-Celtic)
Belet-Ili (Mesopotamian)
Brigid (Celtic)
Decima (Roman)
Diana (Roman)
Eileithyia (Greek)
Heket (Egyptian)
Hera (Greek)
Hesat (Egyptian)
Isara (Mesopotamian)
Nammu (Mesopotamian)
Renenutet (Egyptian)
Sasuratum (Western Semitic)
Taweret (Egyptian)
Teteoinnan-Toci (Aztec)
Thalna (Etruscan)
Xochiquetzal (Aztec)***
Zarpanitum (Mesopotamian)


Antu (Mesopotamian)
Birrahgnooloo (Australian Aboriginal)
Cihuacoatl-Quilaztli (Aztec)
Danu (Celtic)
E Alom (Mayan)
Gunabibi (Australian Aboriginal)
Ishtar (Egyptian)
Iusaas (Egyptian)
Izanami-No-Kami (Shinto-Japanese)
Mawu (West African)
Nammu (Mesopotamian)
Neith (Egyptian)
Nu Kua (Chinese)
Nut (Egyptian)***
White Buffalo Calf Woman (Native American)
Yhi (Australian)

Crones/Wise Women               
Baba Yaga (Slavic)
Black Annis (Celtic)
Cailleach (Celtic)
Greine (Celtic)
Hecate (Greek)***
Hel (Norse/Germanic)
Oya (Nigerian)
Pax (Roman)
Sedna (Inuit)
Skuld (Norse/Germanic)
Takotsi (Mesoamerican)
Toci (Aztec)


Badb (Celtic)
Bast (Egyptian)***
Belili (Mesopotamian)
Durga (Hindu)
Erinys (Greek)
Hina (Polynesian)
Indrani (Hindu)
Itzpapalotl (Mesoamerican)
Kali Ma (Hindu)
Morrigan (Celtic)
Nemesis (Greco-Roman)
Nephthys (Egyptian)
Nirrti (Hindu)
Pele (Hawaiian)
Sekhmet (Egyptian)

Earth Mothers
 Aeracura (Celtic)
Arianrhod (Celtic)
Bhumidevi (Hindu)
Changing Woman (Native American)
Chibirias (Mayan)
Cybele (Anatolian)
Danu (Celtic)
Demeter (Greek)
Devi (Hindu)
Gaia (Greek)***
Green Tara (Hindu)
Hu-Tu (Chinese)
Inanna (Sumerian)
Iord (Nordic)
Kali (Hindu)
Mari (Basque)
Mokos (Slavic)
Ninhursag (Mesopotamian)
Paca-Mama (Inca)
Parvati (Hindu)
Rhea (Cretan/Greek)
Sita (Hindu)
Tellus (Roman)
Terra Mater (Roman)
Tlazolteotl (Mesoamerican)
Touia Fatuna (Polynesian)


Ananke (Greek)
Atropos (Greek)
Freya (Norse)***
Laima (Latvian)
Manawat (Western Semitic)
Nortia (Etruscan)


Abundantia (Roman)
Ahurani (Persian)
Ama-Arhus (Mesopotamian)
Amaunet (Egyptian)
Anaitis (Persian)
Anat (Canaanite)
Andarta (Celtic)
Asase Yaa (West African)
Ashtoreth (Philistine)
Astarte (Western Semitic)
Athirat (Western Semitic)
Baba (Mesopotamian)
Bast (Egyptian)
Brigid (Celtic)
Demeter (Greek)
Diana (Roman)
Disani (Afghan-Hindukush)
Estsanatlehi (Navajo)
Frigga (Norse/Germanic)
Inanna (Sumerian)***
Ishtar (Mesopotamian)
Morrigan (Celtic)
Ostara (Anglo-Saxon)
Quades (Western Semitic)

Good/Nurturing Mothers

Aditi (Hindu)
Ammavaru (Hindu)
Anu (Celtic)
Artemis (Greek)
Asherah (Canaanite)
Atargatis (Assyrian/Semitic)
Aya (Mesopotamian)
Bhrkuti-Tara (Buddhist)
Brahmani (Hindu)
Ceres (Roman)
Coatlicue (Aztec)
Cybele (Anatolian)
Demeter (Greek)
Devaki (Hindu)
Danu (Celtic)
Frigga (Norse/Germanic)
Gaia (Greek)
Hathor (Egyptian)
Ishtar (Mesopotamian)
Isis (Egyptian)
Kundalini (Aztec)
Kybele (Phrygian)
Magna Mater (Roman)
Mata (Hindu)
Meter (Greek)
Mut (Egyptian)
Ninhursaga (Mesopotamian)
Nut (Egyptian)
Parvati (Hindu)
White Buffalo Calf Woman (Native American)***


Ankalamman (against demons; Hindu)
Anna Perenna (against famine; Roman)
Artemis (the vulnerable; Greek)
Bast (household; Egyptian)
Bes (women in labor; Egyptian)
Brigid (protects all who call; Celtic)
Diana (animals, virginity; Roman)
Green Tara (against physical and spiritual danger; Hindu)***
Hecate (household, travelers, newborns; Greek)
Kuan Yin (against danger; Taoist)
Maharaksa (group of five guardian goddesses; Buddhist)
Mazu/Ma Tsu (seafaring; Chinese)
Securita (stability of empire; Roman)
Sekhmet (against disease; Egyptian)
Volumna (infants; Roman)
White Tara (life, peace; Hindu)
Wosret (protected Horus; Egyptian)


Athena (Greek)
Bast (Egyptian)
Brigid (Celtic)
Gula (Mesopotamian)
Hygieia (Greek)
Ishtar (Mesopotamian)***

Isis (Egyptian)
Ixchel (Mayan)
Kamrusepa (Hittite)
Kuan Yin (Taoist)
Meditrina (Roman)
Psyche (Greek)
Salus (Roman)
Sequana (Romano-Celtic)
Sirona (Romano-Celtic)
Sulis (Romano-Celtic)
Thatmanitu (Western Semitic)
Tozi (Aztec)
Zapotlantenan (Aztec)


Bast (Egyptian)
Baubo (Greek)
Iambe (Greek)
Uzume (Shinto-Japanese)***


Athena (Greek)****
Chang Yong (Chinese)
Dharma (Hindu)
Dike (Greek)
Hathor (Egyptian)
Maat (Egyptian)
Minerva (Roman)
Nanse (Mesopotamian)
Nemesis (Greco-Roman)
Nzambi (African)
Themis (Greco-Roman)


Ceridwen (Celtic)
Frigga (Norse/Germanic)
Hecate (Greek)
Isis (Egyptian)***


Anath (Canaanite)
Blodeuwedd (Celtic)
Brigid (Celtic)
Caer (Celtic)
Concordia (Roman)
Gerd (Nordic)
Kore (Greek)
Persephone (Greek)***
Urdu (Nordic)

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