
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Outside fun

Spring and Summer time is here and the kids will be spending more time outside exploring the splendor world of Nature. There is so much to do and so much to explore. I remember a post from FB of a mother and child going outside and planting flowers and everyday they took a picture. When the flower started to sprout, it was an exciting time. They watched day by day as it grew and eventually bloomed. The made a cute little video of it and it was darling. This was several years ago and I'm unable to find it again.

Bugs will be coming out and kids will be curious. Go to the library and check out some books about bugs and flowers. Having scavengers hunts for Spring would be a nice touch. Take a walk and see how many flowers you can see. How many flowers can you count? How many people are cleaning their yard. Count how many Garden Gnomes your neighbors have. Did you see any painted rocks? Pinwheels are fun to watch as they go around in the wind. How many wind chimes did you hear? How many bugs did you see and how many could you name? Birds are returning, did you hear any? Make a list and check them off as you find them and enjoy the time.

Winter was long and now it is time for some Spring cleaning. The yard needs to be cleaned up so we can play. Kids don't like chores but if we are cleaning up for a Spring tea party picnic, then they might just enjoy cleaning up and getting the yard looking nice. Do you need new lawn furniture or do they just need some repair? Depending on the size of you yard depends on what kind of crafts and activities you can do. Addie just turned one, so I will need to go buy an outdoor picnic table as our glass patio table is to big for her. We have a small front yard so we will need to move things for each new activity. It will be work but it will be worth while. As you are cleaning you yard you can start planning if you want to start a flower garden. There are so many different options for you. You can do them in buckets or planters or even in the corner. Take time and talk it over and get everyones opinion. Planning for it is just the start of it.

As I said before, it is time for Spring cleaning. Soon yard sales will be popping up and you may want to decide if you want to do a yard sale. Then you need to decide what you are going to do with the money. Are you going to save it for a day at the Zoo or buy some outside toys? We have a neighbor who has an autistic child and she has been raising money to send him to a summer camp that will help him. Everyone has donated items for her to sell so she can raise money. Do you have a neighbor or friend that needs something? Maybe there is a family that does not have money to buy a bike for their kids. I remember as a child of a time that someone left a bike on the porch of my friend. She loved that bike and rode it everywhere. She was so happy to have some fun.

Doing something for others is a great way to show your kids compassion and respect. In todays world it seems that too many kids have no respect or compassion for others. You hear it on the news everyday, so take the time to teach your kids about charity and have them help someone out with their yard.  I live with my mother to help her out, but there are many elderly people that are too old to keep up with yard work and their kids don't have time to help out. This would be a great opportunity to teach you kids about helping others.

With the weather changing the kids will want to spend more time outside so we need to make sure everything is clean and in working condition. Becareful when opening outside umbrellas for the first time after a long Winters nap. Birds or bugs could have made there homes in it so, open slowly. Outside furniture needs to be checked for damages and they need to be cleaned off. Need to check the tires on the bikes and make sure to wipe them down if they were exposed to the wet weather. Don't forget to check the chains to make sure they don't need to be oiled. Do the same for all the outside toys before you let them play with them.  I use vinager and water in a spray bottle and spray them. Let them sit for a couple of hours and they are good to go. Many people forget that the playgroud swing set needs to be cleaned too. I know that I may be paranoid but just think about the birds. Get a bucket and put vinager and water in it and get a sponge and wipe it down. in the areas that you cant wipe, you spray. With all the birds and pollution that was brought down with the rain and snow, a good cleaning once and while is a good thing.

Hope this gives you some ideas to start out with. I have lots more suggestions for you but it is time for me to start my own Spring cleaning. Remember Mary Poppins and Snow White, work can be fun, put on some music and whistle while you work. So lets get cleaning so we can enjoy our good weather to come.

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